Time Management
The effectiveness of our children's education depends on how we manage our time and how we teach them to manage their time. Here are some tips on time management:
-Daily routines will provide you and your child the ability to accomplish more in a day. Even though you might not get everything done on that list, parents will find that everyone benefits when there's structure to the day.
-Prioritize lessons, activities and events based on what must be done and what is just an added bonus. That way, even if you are unable to get through everything you planned to, you know the key lessons were covered.
-Get organized in the learning area and the rest of your house. Nothing makes it more difficult for homeschooling parents to get the job done than when they can't find what they're looking for! That's why McGuffey's Online Tutor's Lessons are color-coded and color-coordinated with corresponding learning tools; organization is key.
-Pay attention to your child's best working hours. If your child seems unfocused right before or after lunch, don't get started on important activities during that time. If the beginning of the day is when your child is the most attentive, plan on teaching more difficult lessons during that time.
Patricia Halliday
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Patricia Halliday
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